
About Kohui

Kohui, 1996, KR

lives and works in Seoul, KR

Kohui is an audiovisual artist who focuses on the act of sensing sound and explores various relationships that are or can be connected to sound.

Mainly inspired by natural phenomena, forms, and methods, he creates algorithms to design between predictable and unpredictable. By connecting this to sound, he explores ways to sense sound and produces audiovisual, generative art, and sound.

Beginning with WeSA Festival in 2016, Kohui was invited and presented in domestic and international exhibitions and performances such as MUTEK MONTREAL (2021), ACT FESTIVAL (2018 / 2022), WeSA Festival (2018), Seoul International Computer Music Festival (2022), MUTEK X INSCAPE (2023) , DDP SEOULLIGHT (2021), LG OLED ART│SAATCHI GALLERY Exhibition (2021) and was selected as a ZER01NE 2022 creator.

고휘는 소리를 감각하는 행위에 집중하여 소리와 연결되는, 혹은 연결될 수 있는 다양한 관계들을 탐구하는 오디오비주얼 아티스트이다.

주로 자연 현상, 형태, 방식에서 영감을 받아 알고리즘을 제작하여 예측 가능함과 예측 불가능함 사이를 설계한다. 이를 소리와 연결해내어 소리를 감각하는 방법을 탐구하고 오디오비주얼, 제너레이티브 아트, 사운드를 제작한다.

고휘는 2016년 WeSA Festival을 시작으로 MUTEK MONTREAL(2021) , ACT FESTIVAL (2018 / 2022), WeSA Festival (2018), Seoul International Computer Music Festival(2022), MUTEK X INSCAPE (2023) 등 국내외 전시 및 퍼포먼스에 참여하였으며 SEOULLIGHT (2021), LG OLED ART│SAATCHI GALLERY Exhibition(2021), KIAF 뉴미디어 아트 특별전에 참여, ZER01NE 2022 크리에이터로 선발된 바가 있다.


Performance/ Exhibition

2024 정신생태계의 예술적 메타포 | The nature of Mentality - Exhibition / Performance, Seoul KR

2024 CT Fair - 새로운 창조의 가능성 | Possibility of New Creation - Performance, Seoul KR

2024 Dialog () Asian Generative Art - Exhibition, Taipei TW

2024 FuturaCanvas - Performance, Seoul KR

2024 모두의 도원 | 驻华韩国文化院 - Exhibition, Beijing / Guangzhou / Shanghai CN

2024 새로운 태양들 : 스스로 작동하는 세계 | New Suns : Living Mechanism - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2024 Dialog () Asian Generative Art - Exhibition, Tokyo JP

2024 파르르 파르르 | Parrr Parrr - Exhibition, Yeosu KR

2024 시스테믹 루프| Systemic Loop - Exhbition, Seoul KR

2023 Arts Korea Lab Inaugural Festival - Performance, Seoul KR

2023 INSCAPE: Perceive - Exhibition / Performance, Toronto CA

2023 KIAF 뉴미디어 아트 특별전 | KIAF Media Art Special Exhibition - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2023 공중정원 | The Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2023 MUTEK X INSCAPE: NEW HOMEOSTASIS - Performance, Montreal, CA

2023 주프랑스한국문화원 '파도의 중심에서' | Korean Cultural Center in Paris 'In the heart of the wave', - Exhibition, Paris FR

2023 IN TIME - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2023 Public Visuals Tokyo x TDSW - Performance, Tokyo, JP

2023 팬텀센스 | Phantom Sense - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2023 공장놀이 RePlant - Performance, Seoul KR

2022 사유정원 | Scenery of the Emptiness, and Asia - Exhibition, Gwangju KR

2022 로스트 토포필리아 | Lost Topophilia - Exhibition, Gwangju KR

2022 ACT Festival - Performance, Gwangju KR

2022 DDP Backpacking to the Universe - Exhibition, Seoul KR

2022 Seoul International Computer Music Festival SICMF - Performance, Seoul KR

2022 광주미디어아트페스티벌 | Gwangju Media Art Festival - Performance, Gwangju KR

2022 ZER01NE DAY - Exhibition / Performance, Seoul KR

2022 디지털 공명 | Digital Resonance - Exhibition / Performance, Gwangju KR

2021 .Dreams - Exhibition, Dubai AE

2021 Intervals Festival - Exhibition, Nizhni Novgorod RU

2021 Mutek Festival - Performance, Montreal CA

2019 SMIT 10th Anniversary - Performance, Seoul KR

2019 WATMM - Performance, Seoul KR

2019 ACT Festival - Performance, Gwangju KR

2018 WeSA Festival - Performance, Seoul KR

2018 ATM - Order & Disorder - Performance, Seoul KR

2016 WeSA Festival - Performance, Seoul KR


2024 이진 | Jin Lee - Paradise Art Lab Festival - Collaboration Assistance (Generative Soundl), Seoul KR

2024 한재석 | JSUK HAN : Sound: Noise & Feedback - Collaboration Performance, Seoul KR

2024 CO-OP ITW 2023 - Exhibition, Seoul, KR

2023 서울라이트 한강 빛섬축제 | Seoul Light Hangang Bitseom Festival - Sound, Seoul KR

2023 HOONIDASTUDIO X PROTOROOM pop-up showroom - Collaborative Performance, Seoul KR

2023 SeMA 예술가의 런치박스 ‘소리 오브젝트와 파라메트릭 푸드’ | SeMA - Artist's Lunch Box 'Objective sound and Parametric Food' - Program, Seoul KR

2022 SmallBig_SØ / PROTOROOM x Kohui 2022 ZER01NE Day - Collaborative Performnace, Seoul KR

2022 강민희 개인전 | Minhee Kang Solo Exhibition : A Vast in Z - Collaborative Visual, Seoul KR

2022 현대 | HYUNDAI ZER01NE 2022 Creator, Seoul KR

2021 SEOULLIGHT : Part 2 – Skin - Visual, Seoul KR

2021 LG OLED ART │ SAATCHI GALLERY Exhibition - Exhibition, London GB

2021 아르코 2021년 예술과 기술 융합지원 유형 1 선정 | Arko 2021 Convergence of Art and Technology support type 1 selected, KR

2021 정윤수 개인전 | Joung-Yunsu Solo Exhibition : Crystals - Collaborative Artist, Seoul KR

2021 정희민 개인전 | Heemin Chung Solo Exhibition : Seoulites - Collaborative Artist, Seoul KR


2020 메타 퍼포먼스: 미래 극장 | Meta-Performance : FUTURE THEATRE - Program, Suwon KR

2019 진주시 유네스코 창의도시 < 晉州 > - 영상감독, Jinju KR

2016 세종문화회관 서울시 오페라단 < 도요새의 강 > - 무대영상 제작 보조, Seoul KR

2015 예술의 전당 오페라 < 마술피리 > - 무대영상 제작 보조, Seoul KR

Commercial Project

2024 Silica Gel 'Syn.THE.Size Ⅲ' Concert - Visual

2023 Yerin Baek 'Square' Concert - Visual director

2021 Porter Robinson Nurture Live 2021 - Visual

2021 EOH - Fungus (feat. Mokyo, Salami Rose Joe Louis) - Visual

2021 Baverse studio Realtime Interactive Live - SUMIN / WOODZ - Visual

2021 William Arcane - Hands - Music video

2020 Woogie - Paradise (Feat. ROMderful & punchnello) - Music video

2020 H1GHR MUSIC RECORDS - Woogie projects - Visual


2024 G.MAP (광주 미디어아트 플랫폼) ‘디지털아트 컬처랩’ 심사 | G.MAP (Gwangju Media Art Platform) ‘Digital Art Culture Lab’ Evaluation

2024 아트코리아랩 수퍼 테스트베드 메타멘토 멘토링 | Arts Korea Lab - Super Testbed MetaMentor Mentoring

2024 은평문화재단 ‘보이지 않는 것들을 위한 가이드’ 발표 | Eunpyeong Foundation for Arts & Culture ‘Guide to the Invisible Cities’ Presentation
2024 2024 아트코리아랩 MATE 프로젝트 워크샵 | 2024 Arts Korea Lab MATE Project - Workshop

2024 WeSA UNDER 멘토링 | Mentoring

2024 TouchDesigner Event Berlin 2024

2024 에민슨 ‘디지털아트 워크숍’ 프로젝션 맵핑 특강 | Eminsen ‘Digital Art Workshop’ Projection Mapping

2024 메타버스 캡퍼스 ‘터치디자이너와 생성형 AI 아트 제작 과정’ 심사 | Metaverse-campus - ‘TouchDesigner and Generative AI Art Creation Process’ Evaluation
2024 콜로소 크리에이티브 컨퍼런스 | Coloso Creative Conference
2023 서울시립대학교 크리에이티브 코딩 워크숍 University of Seoul - Creative Coding Workshop
2023 콘텐츠 진흥원 ‘뉴콘텐츠아카데미’ 멘토링 | Korea Creative Content Agency (KOCCA) ‘New Content Academy’ Mentoring
2023 아트코리아랩 수퍼 테스트베드 LAB 퓨처 멘토링 | Arts Korea Lab - Super Testbed LAB Future Mentoring

2023 한국영상학회 봄 학술 심포지엄 학술 발표 | The Korean Society of Media and Arts (KOSMA) Spring Symposium Academic Presentation

2023 서울시립대학교 시각디자인 전공 특강 | University of Seoul - Visual Design - Special Lecture

2023 서울예술대학교 - 음악학부 실용음악전공 강사 | Seoul Institute of the Arts - Applied Music - Part Time Lecturer

2022 서울예술대학교 실용음악과 전자음악 전공 특강 | Seoul Institute of the Arts - Applied Music - Special Lecture

2022 한국예술종합학교 멀티미디어 영상과 겸임교수 | Korea National University of Arts (K-Arts) Multimedia - Adjunct Professor (~2022)

2022 한국콘텐츠진흥원 ‘실감형 콘텐츠 프로젝트 기반 양성 과정’ 특강 | KOCCA ‘Immersive Content Project-Based Training Program’ Special Lecture

2022 서울예술대학교 - ‘디지털아트 페스티벌’ 특강 | Seoul Institute of the Arts ‘Digital art festival’ Special Lecture

2022 서울대학교 - 조소과 특강 | Seoul National University - College of Fine Arts Special Lecture

2021 한국문화예술교육진흥원 - ‘Digital Earth By Us’ 자문 / 특강 | Korea Arts & Culture Education Service -  'Digital Earth By Us' Advisory / Special Lecture

2021 KOHUI X TDSW 'Create an audiovisual environment in a virtual space with Kohui' Workshop

2020 한국예술종합학교 멀티미디어영상과 특강 | Korea National University of Arts (K-Arts) Multimedia Special Lecture

2020 [ PROTOROOM Research : Egg ] < 가상공간의 오디오비주얼 > Workshop


2024 PRPT: Vault Service - Exhibition, Seoul KR
2024 Blue Minutes, Red Hours - Exhibition, Seoul KR
2024 Making Matters - Exhibition, Seoul KR



82+10 6573 0607